Keystroke logging which is often referred to as keyboard capturing or key logging is the action of recording all the keys struck on a keyboard that is typically covertly so that all the person using the keyboard is unaware of their actions that are being monitored. Key logging can also and is mostly used to study all the human and computer interaction. Numerous key logging methods do exist as they tend to range from software and hardware -based approaches to different acoustic analysis.
Key loggers are used to troubleshoot all technical problems
These are many computer programs that are designed to work on the target of the computer’s software. Key loggers are mostly used in IT organizations to troubleshoot all the technical problems with computers and other business networks. Families and many other business people use key loggers legally to help monitor the network usage without the user’s direct knowledge and understanding. However, some malicious individuals can use key loggers on all public computers to steal the passwords or any other credit card information.
Writing and working with such simple software applications for the major logging can always be trivial and like any other nefarious computer program, there can be distributed by a Trojan horse or as part of any virus. What is not trivial for an attacker because it is installed in a covert or keystroke logger without getting caught or downloading data that has been logged without or being traced. An attacker who can manually connect to host machine or aim to download recorded keystrokes may lead to risks being discovered. A trojan that sends all the key logged data to fixed e-mail address or IP address may risk exposing all the attacker. More explained in this post:
Employee Monitor helps monitoring employee’s working environment
Statistics show that surveillance employees and improves their productivity. Employees always tend to perform better when they are being monitored or when they think they may be controlled. Employee Monitor successfully helps to accomplish t goal by continuously monitoring employee’s working …